Navigating Pain. Empowering Hope. Finding Freedom.

About Me

I will never forget my coffee with a dear mentor of mine in 2004. I was a young wife and mother of two pre-school boys. As we were discussing my journey, dreams, current wrestlings and joys, my mentor commented on my life. “Lisa, you remind me of a bird who is so ready to fly, but cannot get out of its cage.” Immediately, my tears began to flow. I could not have agreed more. This conversation ignited in me an intentional journey on a pathway toward internal health and freedom.


  • Children and Adolescent

    I hold two fundamental values: Children and adolescents are innately created to move toward health. They know what they need even if they struggle to to articulate it.

  • Women

    Therapy can awaken the soul, refine purpose, empower the healing process in relationships, and point to truth in the value of who you are.

  • Couples

    Relationships can be life-giving AND relationships can be hard. If restoration, intimacy, and healing feels just out of reach, know that there is hope!

  • Soul Care Intensive

    Intentionally carve out 4 days for a turning point in your life. We meet 4 hours every morning and you spend afternoons and evenings in reflection, rest and rejuvenation.

My Core Values Of Therapy 

  • The relationship between you and your counselor is foundational to healthy outcomes which is why safe therapeutic space is essential.

  • You enter into the therapeutic process with resources that contribute to healthy change.

  • Change is more likely to happen when you risk vulnerability and explore deepening layers of self.

  • You are an expert on your experience.

  • Emotion is a rich source of meaning: it gives compelling feedback as to how your environment is affecting you. It may regulate or dysregulate your responses. Emotion organizes our behavior.