Soul Care


Soul Care intensives are a specific form of focused work to help you experience a breakthrough or a turning point in your life and well being.

Maybe you have tried traditional weekly therapy and need a more focused approach. Maybe you keep running into yourself and are ready for a turning point. A Soul Care Intensive may be the right next step.

How it works:

You’ll come to Colorado and meet with me for 3.5 - 4 hrs every morning for 4 days. We might work on attachment or your inner parts, or we might explore EMDR for trauma.

After we meet, you will use your afternoon and evening for reflection, rest and rejuvenation.

Before our intensive, you will send some information about your goals and current challenges and areas you would like to address.

Is this right for me?

Soul care intensives are a significant investment of time and money so before booking an intensive, we will zoom together to ensure that this is a right next step for you and that I am a good fit for what you need.

Most people engage a soul intensive when they are looking for a turning point or to get past a significant obstacle in their life. Some use intensives to start a new path. Perhaps you have tried weekly therapy and need a more focused time or perhaps life has dealt you a tough hand and you could use an intentional week of care, rest and healing. We can discern together if this is the right time for you.

What it costs:


Most organizations will scholarship some or all of a soul care intensive.

If you are a non profit or paying out of pocket, the discounted rate is $4000.

I offer a limited number of slots per year. To start a conversation or book a slot, submit your information below.