About Lisa

About Me

I will never forget my coffee with a dear mentor of mine in 2004. I was a young wife and mother of two pre-school boys. As we were discussing my journey, dreams, current wrestlings and joys, my mentor commented, “Lisa, you remind me of a bird who is so ready to fly, but cannot get out of its cage.” Immediately, my tears began to flow.  I could not have agreed more. This conversation ignited in me an intentional journey on a pathway toward internal health and freedom.

Life takes us down many paths. Some we choose, some choose us.

Through it all, the search for meaning, identity, and worth impact how we navigate the paths we walk in this life and how we relate to the people walking with us.

I understand this search for meaning, identity, and worth both personally and professionally which is why I am passionate about helping women, children, adolescents and couples find hope and a pathway toward healing and freedom.

I am a mother of three pre teen and teen children and I previously served 14 years as a classroom teacher before returning to graduate school to earn a Masters in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling.

I value connection, empathy, narrative, and mindfulness. I work with you to engage with the power of anxiety in your life, and explore meaning from your feelings and thoughts both internally and systemically.

We may also unfold the losses you have experienced and make space to grieve. We will explore hope in the larger questions of life around freedom, identity, and purpose.

My clients have found empowerment and freedom from my emphasis on Emotionally Focused Therapy, Synergetic Play Therapy and Narrative Therapy. I am also certified in PREPARE/ENRICH.

My worldview is shaped by the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, although I meet with clients from a wide variety of worldview and faith perspectives, including no formal faith at all.  I believe each of us were uniquely designed to live in a way that positively empowers and impacts lives around us.  Together, we will unveil truth, explore meaning, and grip hope in your journey.